I feel lucky to be in the hands of such a skilled, compassionate and patient mentor.

“I’ve been fascinated by remote viewing for years, but it wasn’t until I met Coleen Marenich that I actually felt comfortable exploring this interest. Too many remote viewing proponents promise students the sun, the moon and the stars – but they neglect to mention that remote viewing is hard work that requires study, structure and dedication.

Thankfully, Coleen provides mentoring that’s realistic about the time commitment, but which makes the process as enjoyable as it is enlightening. There’s no doubt Coleen knows remove viewing inside and out, and she’s able to share her passion for the process in a way that’s contagious and motivating. Taking the introduction module gave me a great comfort level for pursuing additional CRV training with Coleen. With a subject that’s as complex as controlled remote viewing, I feel lucky to be in the hands of such a skilled, compassionate and patient mentor.”

– J. Brown from Calgary, Canada

“Getting Ready for Basic” – I will approach basic training with confidence.

“Extensive reading and personal experience lead me to CRV. On completing this introductory course I recommend it. The six weeks of study has laid in a firm base from which I will approach basic training with confidence. Performance anxiety and other related issues have been put to rest.

The instructor is always positive, attentive, insistent on doing it properly. Where the modules introduced the essential ideas, Coleen offered other analogies, one of which would communicate the point of view needed.”

– D. Beatty from Edmonton, Canada

What a gem. Thanks Coleen!

“I am mid way through the same course as Ray just took with Coleen. What a tremendous course. She trouble shoots your weaknesses and personalizes a program that works for you. The results are awesome. I really feel like I am in more control of my sessions and getting much better information. My problem with castle building is taking great leaps in improvement. She is a good teacher.

On the personal side, her one-on-one mentoring has so many advantages. For one thing, she trains you, not a group. She gets to know you as an individual. She can address fears and concerns of yours in a discreet way. Her own personal experiences are invaluable.

And…. this works hand in hand with what Lyn [Buchanan] teaches. You don’t skip a beat making any adjustments.

Before Coleen I really felt like Ray. Something was missing in my work. I really wanted to be better than I was. Lyn is an excellent teacher, but I still needed more. Coleen is that more. After feeling like I was reaching a dead end of my evolution as a CRVer, I now see my growth leaping ahead and I have to say, I am very excited about this. Doing targets has become very fun.

What a gem. Thanks Coleen!”

– Dan Chevalier from Connecticut, U.S.A.

She is a wonderful educator and trainer!

“All I can say is Wow! To Start – Coleen had me perform a session so that she could evaluate where I currently stand in my viewing — I think I thought I should have scored better – I tested and scored at the average intermediate level. So the course she selected for my mentoring was the “Getting Ready for Advanced” class.

This is a one-on-one 6 week course that gave tips, hints, new ideas and a range of other processes to improve and to raise the level of my CRV skills. I was actually overwhelmed with the amount of information she provided along with the quizzes, exercises, session work and journals that I was expected to complete on a weekly basis. Finally – this is Exactly what I needed and was looking for to help raise the bar on my CRV session work.

I wish I could explain to everyone what Coleen actually taught me but I will say this – for the amount of time and effort that Coleen puts into every session, every Skype call, all the evaluation work she does – in my opinion she has a Very Fair price for the services she offers, where the level of the training is second to none.

I have taken training from a lot of different people in my career and Coleen easily surpasses 98% of them. She is a wonderful educator and trainer.

So, if you want to get out of a rut; take your Viewing skills to the next level; get ideas to help areas where your skills are lacking; evaluate where your skills are in your training or just to learn new ideas to take you beyond what you could imagine – I Highly recommend taking Coleen’s mentoring courses. Before she gets too busy. Because she just has too much demand for the courses she offers. You cannot lose by taking any of her courses.

I do know that after I practice what I have been taught for the next 4-6 months and assimilate and digest all the information I was given — I will be back for the next course. It is worth Every dollar she asks for these courses. I have enjoyed, cursed, and had many Ah Ha moments while taking this course and I have learned a Lot. I am very happy that Coleen accepted to mentor me and I appreciate all the help I have been given and have been offered as an after course follow-up. It has been Fun and very helpful. Thank you Coleen!”

– Ray McClure from Ireland

Coleen Marenich is an exceptional mentor.

“Coleen Marenich is an exceptional mentor. Her extensive knowledge of CRV and experience as a PM, Analyst, Viewer and Mentor gives her unique perspective when evaluating session-work. Not only can she identify where improvements can be made, but she also explains how to achieve such results. With her guidance, my session-work went from good to extraordinary; especially with regard to the amount of detailed information I was able to glean from the target. Coleen was also able to direct me in getting these perceptions from my head to the paper, conveying them clearly and concisely in summaries and sketches. I highly recommend her!”

– Keythe from Montana, U.S.A.

Coleen is an indispensable member of your team.

“Coleen has devoted years to mentoring and analyzing the session work of CRVers at all levels of training. Looking at your session work, she can tell you where you’re doing well, diagnose problems or potential problems, offer workable solutions to those problems, and get you on the right track to being the best viewer you can be.

With Coleen’s mentoring you won’t have to ask yourself “Am I ready for the next level?”, because you’ll know. You won’t wonder how to get over the inevitable hurdles that arise between classes, because you’ll have a coach right there with you, answering your questions and concerns.

I believe people who become great in any discipline always have a team of experts behind them. For the serious CRV student, Coleen is an indispensable member of your team.”

– Post-Advanced CRVer from Canada

Coleen is a GREAT teacher AND mentor!

“I’ve worked with Coleen since 2000 and have had the opportunity to observe Coleen’s mentoring and teaching skills as she willingly took on this role in our business environment at my request. Coleen’s personality presents a patient, methodical and soothing manner of teaching, while her mentoring style is to encourage the individual to reach for their goals, seeing “mistakes” as successes for having tried!

A good teacher is someone who knows their material and passes on that knowledge. A GREAT teacher is someone who not only knows their material, but also strives to learn more, listens to others and has an open mind to be taught and mentored themselves. In my opinion, Coleen is a GREAT teacher AND mentor!”

– Leonard E. Buchanan from Alamogordo, N. M., U.S.A.

I can recommend this training to anyone.

“I met Coleen prior to taking the CRV Basic Course in 2002. CRV training was a real “eye-opener” and provided real experiences of what is possible through the use of this exciting and valuable method.

Throughout my CRV training, through to and including the CRV Advanced course, I was impressed with both Coleen’s supportive coaching and the teaching method of Lyn Buchanan. I can recommend this training to anyone seeking to benefit from the use of remote viewing.”

– Shawn J. from South Africa

Invest in mentoring from Coleen.

“I’ve known Coleen since I was a Basic student in 2004. Under her tutelage, I have become a far better viewer than I otherwise would have been, and I have insight into my CRV work that I wouldn’t have gained in any other way. If you’re investing the time and money in learning how to become a remote viewer, invest in mentoring from Coleen and amaze yourself with where your CRV skills can take you.

CRV students who have decided to become operational viewers have always had “The Coleen Advantage”, because she’s the one who developed and runs the CRV Operational Certification Program. In that program, she’s taken very good viewers and made them excellent viewers. Now that her expertise is being offered to viewers of every level, everyone will be able to benefit from her years of experience and insight, not just those who’ve reached the highest levels of CRV training.”

– Post-Advanced CRVer from Canada

She has the knowledge and real world experience to work through a viewer’s challenges.

“Having known Coleen since 2002, I can say that she has the knowledge and real world experience to work through a viewer’s challenges as well as strengthen his/her abilities in order to take the viewer to the next level of training.

Her commitment to get to the nitty gritty of my session work has been an integral part of my steady progress from Basic Class through to becoming a OCP graduate and finally working with Coleen in real world CRV operational work.

I haven’t seen anyone in the CRV community work harder towards helping a student achieve success.”

– Jeremy from Canada