Coleen’s one-on-one instruction format enabled her to focus on my specific strengths

“Being an over-the-road trucker I was skeptical whether I would be able to take Basic CRV training with my erratic schedule. Somehow Coleen convinced me that doing sessions while parked in my truck would be good experience for doing session work with distractions … she was right on cue!

Each session with her was knowledge filled, pleasurable and humorous. I didn’t want the lessons to end and could not wait for the next lesson to start.

Coleen’s one-on-one instruction format enabled her to focus on my specific strengths and weaknesses to better prepare me in the field of CRV.  THANKS COLEEN!!!  I’m looking forward to taking your Intermediate CRV Course!”

– Tony from New York, U.S.A.

..what makes Coleen’s program stand out is the thoroughness of her one-on-one lessons.

“I originally went to Coleen as I felt that I was “stuck” in my CRV sessions.  I didn’t know what questions to ask to get more information from target sites and the information that did come through would quickly dry up.

Coleen taught me a systematic way of viewing that broke down the various elements of the viewing site so I was able to “see” and describe them more clearly.  I learned to work with distance and time. My drawings improved dramatically. She taught me to bring all my six senses into play.  My sessions went from 22 pages in the beginning to 44 pages in my last Intermediate session for her.  My accuracy improved throughout my lessons.

I think the thing that really makes Coleen’s class stand out is the thoroughness of her one-on-one classes.  The systematic approach that she teaches in her Intermediate class was what enabled me to double the descriptors from my target sites. She teaches you to differentiate between ambience and other pure information.  She is flexible, supportive, open minded, and very motivating. I looked forward to every class and, honestly, wished they wouldn’t end.

I would recommend Coleen Marenich’s class to whoever wishes to take a really deep dive into controlled remote viewing.”

 – S. Smith from the U.S.A.

… Training to be a beneficial mix of intense and manageable.  Coleen pushed boundaries …

I found the training to be a beneficial mix of intense and manageable. Intense, because Coleen pushed boundaries and angles steadily, and because I usually pushed myself similarly. And manageable, in that she spread out the allotted time as needed.

This combination gave me the feeling of being supported while stretching and being focused, in new ways. Along the way, I would sometimes note that what was closer to arduous weeks ago, was now smoothly automatic. By the end, although I was tired in ways I didn’t fully understand, I was glad to see myself working with more strategies, and more comfortably so… and more useful/pertinent for project work.

– Eric from the U.S.A.

Her humour and compassion for the pit falls of the CRV journey make it altogether a fantastic mentoring experience.

“Having trained with other trainers in CRV from Basic to Advanced in 2019 and 2020, I felt I had only partially understood and implemented the value of right cueing and move commands, and the power of the CRV structure in general. I lacked an understanding into why and when I ventured off into castle building and strategies to avoid building them in the first place.

Working with Coleen across a number of one-on-one mentoring sessions has helped me build a new foundation for my CRV work, and fill in gaps from Basic / Intermediate / Advanced levels.

The post-session analysis of one’s own work is rigorous and compassionate at the same time, and invaluable for growing in the field of CRV. Coleen has a strong ethical compass for target selection and tasking when working within the CRV world, something that seems to be increasingly rare in the field altogether.

Through Coleen’s mentoring, I have a new appreciation of the depth CRV offers as a remote sensing modality. A life-long learning journey that can yield the most accurate and detailed of results if the viewer understands it takes regular, dedicated work to get past their own biases, assumptions and the forever busy monkey mind. Her humour and compassion for the pit falls of the CRV journey make it altogether a fantastic mentoring experience.”

– Anika P. from London, United Kingdom

If you are serious about remote viewing … she is definitely someone you can trust

“I undertook Coleen’s training from Basic through to Advanced. Although I had already been trained in CRV before, Coleen was able to boost my CRV skills through the rigorous use of very specific methods. Thanks to her one-on-one guidance, I have gained in precision, consistency and confidence.

Not only did Coleen provide me with many useful techniques and tackled the important aspects of ethics in her training, she also shared her personal experience in the CRV field along the way. This was invaluable to me.

However, be aware that this is not an easy program. Coleen’s training requires a lot of commitment from you. But if you are serious about remote viewing, or if you are starting your CRV journey and are looking for a serious professional, she is definitely someone to contact and someone you can trust.”

– Marylise from France

I’m blown away with how much my viewing improved with Coleen’s help.

“Coleen has an absolutely tremendous talent for teaching. Her one-on-one instruction is completely personalized to help you improve your relationship to your subconscious and next level your viewing.

The pace of the instruction keeps things exciting and motivating. Coleen helped me develop my own process and strategy for in-session work. I’m blown away with how much my viewing improved with Coleen’s help. Now, whenever I get frontloading for a target (operational or practice), I’m ready with the right tools, strategy and cueing process to answer all the questions that frontloading poses, confidently.

Coleen also helped me learn to practice properly so as I continue to work on the tools learned in Intermediate, I’m improving with every practice. I’m so looking forward to continuing to learn with Coleen and would recommend her to anyone wanting to get serious about their viewing.”

– Jake R. from the U.S.A.

For anyone who is really serious about taking their viewing to a higher level, I highly recommend working with Coleen.

“After completing my basic training in a less personalized format, I felt that in order to take my viewing to a higher level, Coleen’s one-on-one format would be the way to go.

We worked together for five weeks of personal mentoring to hone the basic skills before moving into the Intermediate course proper. I was not disappointed with the results. My session work at the end of the course is in a different league than where it was before.

Just as important, I have learned a lot about my own strengths and weaknesses as a viewer. Coleen’s personal instruction gives you tools to use your strengths to their greatest benefit in your sessions and to improve on your weaknesses. For anyone who is really serious about taking their viewing to a higher level, I highly recommend working with Coleen.”

– Michael R. from St. Lawrence County, N.Y., U.S.A.

I had the absolute privilege of online training in Basic Controlled Remote Viewing under Coleen’s supervision.

“The inexpensive course was delivered in an easy to understand and totally professional manner.

It was a very enlightening experience and at times left me amazed at what our natural hidden abilities can hold. I truly believe we all have these hidden natural abilities at our disposal and if given the correct methods of training and direction they can be awakened and enhanced tremendously.

Coleen has a vast amount of knowledge and experience in CRV, with amazing online and personal resources to share.
No questions were off limits and her ability to understand a student’s perspective are second to none.

Once again, thank you Coleen.”

– A. Locke from Channel Islands, UK (Home) – Training online in Thailand due to COVID-19 Lockdown

Working with Coleen also changed other aspects of my life.

“Working one on one with Coleen is a game changer. She is a leader in CRV development. I gained much skill development and clear understandings, my successes and development still continue many months after training.

Working with Coleen also changed other aspects of my life, the understandings transferred to other parts of my life. As a self-taught violin player my skill level increased suddenly during my training. I found clear health solutions for my concerns, my relationships are stronger and more compassionate and finances are healthier. Working with Coleen has been priceless to me.”

– Beth-Anne K. from Canada

She has the rare gift of a true teacher.

“Coleen is an excellent teacher. I took Intermediate CRV training with her and, although I am sure there was much material that would be common to all of her students, I felt she was very in tune with my particular needs, and adjusted accordingly, and very effectively.

Her knowledge is tremendous, her experience is vast, and she has the rare gift of a true teacher, which she employs expertly and kindly.”

– CRV Intermediate student from the U.S.A.