Studying with Coleen has been a game changer for me.

“When I first signed up for her one-on-one CRV Basic class, I already had studied with two other teachers. The difference with Coleen is that she has a methodical approach which is tailored to your personal goals and has been honed by her years of CRV experience and passion.

My sessions improved in so many ways – formatting, ideogram flow, learning to train my Subbie, getting more detailed information, shortening the time of my session without compromising quality, and learning how to use cues and move commands effectively are only a few.

There is also the understanding of CRV principles and learning to understand myself through my session work. I highly recommend studying with Coleen if you are ready to take your sessions to a higher level.”

– Selina from Canada

If you take remote viewing seriously, I highly recommend Coleen’s course!

“Before Coleen, I learned remote viewing from three other teachers. All of them were online self-learning courses. From those courses I got to know that remote viewing works. But I also realized that my skills were far from practical use due to, for example, lack of obtaining details from targets.

Coleen’s one-on-one online course is probably the best one I could have taken for further training. It was almost impossible for me to go to another city to attend an in-class course.

In this Basic course, many techniques Coleen taught me were never presented in my previous courses or they were but I just ignored them. For example, 5 senses exercise, ambience exercise, how to score the session which is boring but important. Coleen also taught me how to obtain detailed target information. Of course, I still need extensive practice to continue to do that.

She is dedicated, knowledgeable, and extensively experienced. It didn’t take much time for me to realize that it was so right for me to take Coleen’s course. I am looking forward to the next level of training with her when I am ready. And if you take remote viewing seriously, I highly recommend Coleen’s course.”

– Olivia from Brampton, Canada

My session work has clearly improved since working with Coleen.

“After I finished Lyn Buchanan’s on-line course, I felt that I needed additional help with my session work.  I continued my training with Coleen Marenich.  Working with her has been an amazing experience.  She personalized her course particularly to address my strengths and weaknesses.  I cannot thank her enough for her thoughtful and candid critiquing and troubleshooting of my session work. She has a no-nonsense approach and got straight down to working on what I personally needed to do in order to develop and improve my skills.  She is a professional, experienced, thoughtful and effective teacher.

My session work has clearly improved since working with Coleen.  In addition to gaining a priceless new relationship with my subconscious, I have more tools and a better understanding of how to effectively work a session. I have learned a tremendous amount about myself as well, and I now feel that I have an excellent foundation and am confident about moving forward to intermediate level work.  I highly recommend Coleen to anyone who wants to improve the quality of their CRV work.  I feel tremendously fortunate and grateful to have her on my team.”

– Julie R. from Chicago, U.S.A.

I have learned a life skill from Coleen and I will be forever grateful.

“I have been interested in remote viewing since 1995 when I heard about it on a radio program. Initially having a great deal of skepticism I tried to set it aside as just another outlandish story but it just kept coming back to me as something I needed to prove to myself.

Over the years I explored various CRV course opportunities however nothing seemed to fit for my schedule or budget. Most of the available training required travel and offered short 3 to 5 day courses. (I have come to the realization there is a great deal of information to digest in a 3-5 day course.)

Then I found through Lyn Buchanan’s CRV website a list of his past graduates that were offering training, there I found Coleen Marenich. Coleen’s unique 6 week basic online training showed me that it is indeed very real and I can do it, that realization was exhilarating. Coleen is extremely patient and thorough. She is generous with her time, has a pleasant calm approach and trains with a strict set of protocols that show results.

I have learned a life skill from Coleen and I will be forever grateful of the journey she guided me through.”

– Mike from Calgary, Canada

Coleen’s OCTP course greatly helped to increase my skills as an operational RV’er.

“Coleen’s operational training program is THE course I was looking for to overcome my problems, to increase my strengths and to learn new strategies (I didn’t know before!) to enhance my viewing skills.  In operational project work, one can face certain problems when very specific, in-depth knowledge is required.

With her huge knowledge and her long-time experience as CRV project manager, Coleen is a great and understanding teacher: very structured, guiding, kind, pointing to weaknesses and showing how to turn them into strengths, giving advice and explaining new strategies to quickly get laser-sharp session results.

It was an absolute stroke of luck to find her and a great pleasure to work with her. I can highly recommend her as a teacher and a person. Whoever wants to learn CRV relevant techniques to increase their skills in operational RV’ing… take her course.  🙂 ”

– Markus from Germany

A dedicated, personalized instructor … She exceeded my expectations.

“I took the CRV Basic course from Coleen in Spring 2020.  Coleen was wonderful to work with — patient, flexible, and you could see her pure excitement for CRV shine through. 

Months later, I have an appreciation for all I learned from the course.  My observational skills and attention to detail increased from focusing on the five senses, ambience of a place, and exactly how to describe something.  I’m also proud to say I finally know proper formatting for Stage I-III CRV.

I loved the format of the course, being broken up into 2-3 nights per week for a series of weeks.  This allowed me to absorb the information better, as opposed to cramming everything into one week or a couple of weekends.

If you want to learn real CRV from a dedicated, personalized instructor, Coleen is the best choice.  She exceeded my expectations in every way and I highly recommend her.”

– Linda S. from the U.S.A.

I am deeply grateful to Coleen.

“I have just finished the Basic CRV training with Coleen. What a gift to begin to learn this tool to explore the possibilities of consciousness! Coleen’s skilled and patient guidance through Basic is just what I needed to relax my mind enough to trust what I am only beginning to sense. She seemed to know where I was feeling stuck before I was aware of it and guided me in ways that allowed me to see, and more importantly, learn from what was going on.

I really enjoyed the format of the course. To be able to work online with Coleen, then practice what I learned allowed me to have the time to digest what I could, see what I was not clear on and come back with questions for the next session.

Even now, after the Basic course, what I learned from Coleen continues to develop…I am more and more conscious of things that were just in the background of my awareness before Basic, both as I do practice CRV sessions, and more importantly in my daily life.

I am deeply grateful to Coleen and look forward to when I am ready to take my next CRV class with her. “

– D. Doyle from New York, U.S.A.

Coleen’s performance is absolutely over the price of the course.

“While I was training with her, Coleen was always present and willing to help me with her great experience. Her teaching in her Operational CRV Training Program (OCTP) was at a very high level.

Her ability to explain and to help me – in detail – in all the different phases of the program impressed me. Coleen helped me learn how to do operational-level session work with different contexts and different taskings. It was very important to me to have very detailed feedback on my session work for every session done.

I felt that I was dealing with a professional and competent teacher. It was great to feel supported by her as my trainer, and Paul O’Connor as my mentor. I had a great time during this program! Coleen’s performance is absolutely over the price of the course.”

– Danilo Barzaghini from Switzerland

I feel lucky to have found her.

Learning from Coleen was truly fun, it’s very easy to see that she is not only very knowledgeable but loves teaching CRV.

I looked forward to my sessions, all questions I had were resolved and I feel I really developed. I feel like I came away with a great basis on which to practice and grow my skills and a great love for CRV also. I feel lucky to have found her and look forward to further study with her in the future.

– Mercy from Australia

I wanted someone who stands above and beyond the rest.

“When I first started looking for a remote viewing instructor, I wanted someone who stands above and beyond the rest. That’s exactly what you get with Coleen Marenich! World class instruction brought to you by Skype, you can’t get any better than that. Several weeks of mentoring and direct study is far greater than a few days of everything thrown at you.
Having a family, full time job and just all around busy, I wanted a program that was flexible and didn’t sacrifice quality and this was that. Great instruction and challenging at times, exactly what I wanted.
Coleen has a very rare ability to keep you focused and stay on track. She has a great understanding of the relationship between the conscious and unconscious mind, only the result of years of study. She truly has a world class Resumé and has worked with and trained some of the best.
I’ve just finished Basic and can’t wait to start Intermediate. Thanks for everything Coleen!”
– Brendan H. from Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A.