If you are serious about remote viewing … she is definitely someone you can trust

“I undertook Coleen’s training from Basic through to Advanced. Although I had already been trained in CRV before, Coleen was able to boost my CRV skills through the rigorous use of very specific methods. Thanks to her one-on-one guidance, I have gained in precision, consistency and confidence.

Not only did Coleen provide me with many useful techniques and tackled the important aspects of ethics in her training, she also shared her personal experience in the CRV field along the way. This was invaluable to me.

However, be aware that this is not an easy program. Coleen’s training requires a lot of commitment from you. But if you are serious about remote viewing, or if you are starting your CRV journey and are looking for a serious professional, she is definitely someone to contact and someone you can trust.”

– Marylise from France