You’ve come home from CRV class and you’re trying to put everything you’ve learned into perspective and apply it to your session work. You think you’ve got it right, but you’re not quite sure.
Or maybe you’ve taken some time away from CRV and now you want to get back into it. You dust off your training manual, take a look at your viewer profile in the student training database and realize you need some help to get started again.
You’re not alone. There can be some tough stumbling blocks in CRV session work. The issues that crop up seldom appear during training. They begin to creep in while you’re practicing on your own trying to perfect your session work.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a few solutions available? Well, we’ve got them. So stop struggling! Other students have been exactly where you are. Check out what some of them have to say “Comments from students“ to see what we mean.
Now you can arrange for personalized one-on-one mentoring with a mentor who can help answer your questions, take a look at your session work and give you a helping hand so you can continue practicing with confidence. This is how you get better at doing something you’re already good at.
To arrange your mentoring sessions – whenever you need them – select “CRV Mentoring” on the Contact Us page and let me know how I can help you.
Payment for this and all other programs can be made through PayPal.